E-Prime Day:
Acupuncture and herbs can cure all thing!
In acupuncture, we can needle the whole body by placing needles on the ear, or on the scalp, or on the limbs. I was completely amazed when I found this out! And super eager to understand what the maps looked like in each location.
This concept touches on the idea "as above, so below". That the entire body can be reflected in a mini body throughout different parts of the body. This reinforces the idea that we can connect everything back to a scale that can be applied to almost anything if we are patient enough to see the patterns that exist within/on us.
"As above, so below" can also relate to how TCM practitioners will look at the outside of the body in order to understand what is happening on the inside of a patient. We can see how someone is feeling mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually through observation, smelling, listening, and palpation - all before the patient says one word. That is amazing! Most "Western" ideas say you have to express so much in words, or have a lengthy consultation period but in reality, the conversation is just confirming what the practitioner already knows about what is happening internally.