Saturday, July 13, 2019

Week Ten - Sacred Geometry and Physics, Fibonacci series

Are there connections you can make between Sacred Geometry and Physics?
Can the Fibonacci series be seen as a "signature of life"?

I think it is fun to look at how Sacred Geometry and science are connected. As Larry showed us in his video, drawing lines between the solar system and geometry is an interesting way to see how our eyes "naturally" are drawn to some images and can find a pattern if we look hard enough.

I think the Fibonacci series can be found in many things but should not always be an example of how we measure beauty. Since science is heavily influenced by a lot of European cultures, I wonder if we look at other cultures if there is an equivalent series that would measure in a different yet still as effective way.

For fun - I took some pictures of my dog and used the Rule of Thirds on the pictures. In theory, the pictures that are utilizing the Rule of Thirds will be along the points and lines and would be considered more appealing to the eye.

What are your thoughts?

Michelle "Mo" Obama not align with the Rule of Thirds

Mo - Utilizing the Rule of Thirds

Mo not align with the Rule of Thirds

Mo and my feet utilizing the Rule of Thirds


  1. Hi Devon, I think your top photo utilizes the rule of thirds pretty well.

  2. What a great experiment! Interesting in that in the 2nd series, I prefer the picture where Mo is not lined up with the Rule of Thirds. I wonder what that says about the alignment of my inner landscape?!


Biophysics - Bionics

Would you support the development of a "bionic" person Would your view change if this were for a military person? On one hand ...